Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Week, New Plan

First, I will admit, I was not AS healthy as I wanted to be this weekend, but, I will say, it is the first time in a LONG time that it was in moderation. That is a huge plus. Not to mention, I borrowed a projector this weekend, some may think it was the worst idea ever, I, on the other hand find it to be incredibly awesome. It was a great time of community and playing games from my High School years. Man did it rekindle my passion to play video games! Also we watched how to train your dragon... Talk about a tear jerker... It was great!

BUT Now a quick update! I worked out last night, and man did it kill! It seems that I was just down right exhausted after the work out. I decided to go a little harder in my aerobic part of the work out and it just killed me! However, I am blessed to say that I made it. I am finding a way were I am making time to work out and be healthy. I am making my lunch, and eating it all. I feel alert when I need to be and tired early so I am not up until the crack of dawn.

However, do not let me deceive you in saying that everything is going for me. I woke up with my first injury too. My lower back muscle (Gluteus Minimus/ or Lats) hurt really bad, thankfully they feel a million times better with a heating pad. Usually in the past I have been known to just stop working out, but not this time, I actually went and worked through the pain (ok, in reality I just was careful and was gentle with the muscle.)

I have learned something to add to this journey: "Freedom is not having everything we crave, it's being able to go without the things we crave and being OK with it. " — Rob Bell

I need to balance this more. As I am working out, am I working out to gain what I crave or am I doing this in order to learn more about being ok with who I am. I do not believe that God intended for me to have moments of gluttony, but I do believe that God has given me freedom to desire Him, and more importantly be ok with everything around me. I seem to be coming more involved with the concept of freedom as it leads me to peace.

God Bless.

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