Friday, January 14, 2011

The first week... Done.

"Step Four: We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." "But what we discover is this: If we do not use our present circumstances as a challenge, a trigger, and an invitation to look within, we will find ourselves dancing through a repeat performance." - (12 Steps) Melody Beattie
It was awesome to make it one whole week. I ended last night pretty easy! I ended my week perfectly fine. It was a good day. Sadly because of a hockey game, I will not be running tonight, but it is ok, because I for some reason am wanting to go work out (It actually feels strange to feel this way).

It has surely been a tough week, but I have already learned so much. I am starting to value more parts of my day. I have learned to enjoy A LOT already.

So to celebrate the fact that I made it a week, I even have eaten healthy food's in smarter proportions, I will take my Friday night meal and celebrate by having one not so great meal for ya! BUT I will not stuff myself with it!

Please keep praying with me as well! This is not an easy thing to have done, but it is the right thing!

Now I want to leave with one last comment and that is to learn with me something I am learning. I am learning about the mystery of Christ. Too often I have claimed something as a definite fact, and then learned something differently and gone with that. So now, I am going to start to embrace the mystery of Christ. There is so much to learn, yet so much that still remains a mystery. I think that is often my problem in life, I want the answer now, and I claim it as truth, but yet so many things change. I guess that is the importance of relationships with God and each other. It is really hard, but I am learning to find Christ more and more by embracing Him instead of teaching. I leave with a quote that is helping me to embrace the mystery:

I confess I find it suspect when Christian teaching is more concrete than Christ's teaching.- Donald Miller\

Also, check this out if you get a chance:

God Bless,

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