Monday, December 27, 2010

Maybe Abortion isn't the problem

Maybe the problem is not the Death Penalty.

Maybe the problem is not a church not doing candle light service for Christmas.

Maybe the problem is not what songs we pick to sing on a Sunday morning.

Maybe the problem is not that we have families home foreclosures.

Maybe the problem is not that Joesph Kony gets away with the invisible children army and murder.

Maybe the problem isnt that children are dying from malnourishment.

Maybe the problem is us.

What are we doing.
Here are some stats taken from The Center of Bio-Ethical reform:
Approximately 42 Million Worldwide per year.
1.37 Million (1996) in America per year
52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%.....

How many of these girls that have an abortion feel Loved afterwards. How many of these girls do not feel ashamed. How many of these girls clearly know how the church feels about abortion, and therefore refuse to attend...

What are we doing.
We live in a culture that tells us HOW GREAT the Death Penalty is. But what does this mean to a Christian? WE are taught to Love, to forgive, to encourage, to lead, but yet, the Death Row, Has over 3,000 people to date. WE are taught to Love, to forgive, to encourage, to lead, but yet, in 2008 alone the Death Penalty had claimed 37 lives(Bureau of Justice).

What are we doing.
One Christmas a church did not do a candle light service... Church members were so enraged. I saw fury in their eyes, attacking the church, leadership and all in between. Some people left the church. Some just sit still to this day in anger and bitterness.

What are we doing.
Famiies are losing their homes, due to a poor economy. AND All we want to do is point out who done it... Families are losing their health benefits and all we do is pray for them.

What are we doing.
We talk and talk and talk about how HORRIBLE it is that these children are drugged and then brain washed to kill,sometimes their own families. They starve children. They rape. They lose it.

What are we doing.
People tell us that starvation is not the problem, preventable diseases are, and water bacteria and what not. These diseases are preventable because if the men women and children were fed properly, they would be able to have a properly functioning immune system to fight off these diseases.

Maybe the problem is us.... But the God gave us the answer through His risen Son. The answer is also through the Body of Christ... which is composed of people trying to be Christ Like. Who have taken their life and given it to Christ... The answer becomes Christ working through us.

Maybe the problem is not abortion, but that a child sees no other option. This is just a great opportunity to Love. To work through all of it. Knowing HOW MUCH Christ STILL Loves them. Removing our own ideas, and dawning the Grace, and LOVE of Christ.

Maybe the problem is not the Death Penalty. But that we control their Life... We do not determine their death. God leads that. We take it as an opportunity to Love them, unconditionally. Since our Government allows this, we follow it. But it does not mean we refuse to Love them, or meet with them.

Maybe the problem is not a church not doing candle light service for Christmas. Maybe the problem is not what songs we pick to sing on a Sunday morning. Tradition is like a door, and arguments over them are the locks. When we argue over traditions, and use that anger on others, we forget that people are being oppressed outside our door. Girls are struggling with insecurity, leading themselves to eating disorders, finding love in all the wrong places. Men are struggling with spirituality and sexuality, leading to depression, and even suicide. Married couples are getting divorced because people refuse to sit with them and work it out. That should make us angry, not a tradition.

Maybe the problem is not that we have families home foreclosures. Maybe the problem isnt that children are dying from malnourishment. 17If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. (1 john 3:17-18)
15Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? (James 2:15-16)

Maybe the problem is not that Joesph Kony gets away with the invisible children army and murder. Maybe it is times like this that we must say to ourselves, God is not calling us to be safe and secure, but radical. Never fearing. Fighting as if tens of thousands of angels were right next to you.

Each of us have a purpose. We must continue to meet together. Spur each other on.

We see this world, and we must see Hope. The power of the Holy Spirit reigns. Let him move through us.

I was once asked, what is it that pains my heart, that will bring tears to my eyes. And with tears in my eyes I said this "One person goes to bed unloved, unfed, unheard, imprisoned or unapproachable."

May we change this. Because all of us, through Christ, have the power to change this.

Much Love.

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