Monday, December 27, 2010

Free Willy

Lately, I have often been poked at about my dislike for the teachings of John Piper, Pastor in the Twin Cities. I am not saying he is not a man of God. I am not saying he is a horrible person but I am saying that I am disappointed in his teachings, more so in particular his response to the 35W bridge collapse.

It hurts me to read a message from an EXTREMELY influential pastor. His response is callus. It assumes things that are biblically untrue- here is the Blog he wrote-

My simple response is this, it comes from Pastor Greg Boyd-
"Second, while I agree with this pastor that all people are sinners who deserve to die, I wonder how the death of Christ factors into all this. Scripture teaches that Jesus died “not just for our sins, but for the sins of the whole world” (I Jn 2:2). If so, then why is God still in the business of physically punishing people for their sins by sending catastrophes? Wasn’t Jesus’ sacrifice enough?

Certainly God has the right to punish people by taking back the life he gives when he sees fit (e.g. Acts 5:9-10). But in the light of Calvary – and the entire ministry of Jesus – why should we think that this is his post-Christ ordinary mode of operation? Isn’t the Good News good precisely because, despite our sin, Jesus came to give us abundant life (Jn 10:10)?" (

BUT I want to address something too-

What did God tell Noah at the end of the flood... think rainbow....
What did God tell Jeremiah during the midst of famine, draught and exile... think no harm, prosper...
What did God tell Jonah.... think hope....
What did God tell Sodom and Gamorrah... think righteousness....
What did God tell Amos, Ezra, Joel, Hosea, Micah, Nehemiah, any prophet or leader for that matter

God warned ALL of them if a disaster was coming, He warned them continually to repent, and come back to Him. This was the old way, the Old Covenant.

Then guess what happened next... God ended the way of the Old Testament Covenant, by bringing His Son, Jesus, to the world. These disasters had a purpose and meaning behind them all, causing destruction to... Evil.

Causing Destruction to- EVIL. To the ways that HINDERED His people.

Now, this is my argument I am FULLY against, and hurt by the statement- That God has His merciful hand in it, it it will make people Fear Him.... He had His hand in 9/11, Holocaust, Columbine, putting Indians on Reservations, Rwandan Genocide, Hurricane Katrina and yes, even the collapse of the 35W bridge in Minnesota...

My God, He is Loving. He does not wish harm on us. My God, did not cause 9/11. My God did not cause the Holocaust, Indian Reservations, Genocide, Cancer, Hurricanes and bridge collapsing so that we may fear Him.

You see, a common misunderstanding is this concept of God's Will and Free Will. You see, God's Will is oftened viewed as unbreakable, never-ending, unstoppable, unaltering, and always here on earth assuming the meaning- God is the cause for all of this, the bridge collapse, the death of a Loved one to a drunk driver, the murder of a brother, the depression of a mother (It hurts to read that right?). This is all assuming that we do not have Free Will. Are you telling me that it is God's Will to have a brother murdered by a robber, or a child get addicted to drugs, or rape of a 14 year old girl... To explain that this is part of God's Will means that God caused it to happen. When you say, "It must have been His will!" you are saying that God caused it to happen...

You simply can not say that. We are free agents. We are God's children, if we allow ourselves to be. We have to CHOOSE God, even if God has already chosen us (2 thessalonians 2:13-16). His will on earth was broken the moment Adam and Eve made the decision. His will on earth continues to be broken when 25,000 kids died today from preventable diseases.

So be careful when you say the phrase "God Allowed" and "God's Will" in the same sentence, because if it is God's Will, it means God Caused it to happen, and I PROMISE you God does not cause or want any harm to be brought(Does He have the power to, yes, will He... many doubts). What we should really say is, "We live in a Dark world, filled with evil and oppression. Injustice floods our neighbors and murders our family.".... Nothing more...

We see this oppressive nature ALL through out the Gospel-, disease, famine, disablities, death... They were not a result of God punishing them, but a result of the DIRECT Evil of this World. This is the DIRECT act of the oppresive nature of Satan. Because of that, EVIL is found in the hearts of mankind. We are the ones who allow these things to be done. We are the ones who spend BILLIONS of dollars on war and weapons than we are on the safety of simple travel (bridges?). God did not cause evil and harm, Satan did, and we allowed him to.

Here is the truth- God sent His son Jesus to LIVE with you. To teach you, you were FREE from the beginning, that your punishment is no longer Death, but now you have LIFE with Christ. Your freedom began the moment you entered this Earth. God has choosen you to be Great, to be Courageous, Beautiful and Strong, to lift you up on the wings of Eagles. God has choosen you to Love His Creation! God has given you power over EVIL, He has given you the STRENGTH to combat satan and his lowly demons.

God Loves the world. We talk about how Love can also punish. But you see, our punishment lies on the cross. God will continue to Love the World. He created it.

What does this mean for you... Further God's Kingdom by combating Evil with Love. Love for the oppressed, disabled, diseased, impoverished and impaired. Stand with them, share your life with them... Proclaim the name of God, not by what you say, but by what you do.

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."
- Desmond Tutu

Much Love,

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