Thursday, December 19, 2013

My thoughts on Phil Robertson, Sex Trafficking and Free Market Capitalism

Phil Robertson was recently suspended for sharing his beliefs in an upcoming issue of GQ. The comments were interesting and can be found here:

I will be honest. The interview is meant to highlight his system of belief. I think it could have been done better, but heck, I sometimes don't say things well.

I am shocked not by what happened to Phil, but the response. Countless numbers of christians are posting support Phil MeMes, creating blogs and articles to sync their beliefs to his, engaging in shouting matches about this topic.

The uproar of support however is unnecessary from people who support Free Market Capitalism. This is how the market works. A company does not care about your version of integrity UNLESS it brings them money. People who hate those who mock Free Market Capitalism, in the end hating Free Market Capitalism. Money speaks, and this hurts their business. A & E is a business. They don't care about any of those beliefs. If those beliefs were profitable, guess what, just like nearly all companies, they would practice them. However, Free Market Capitalism doesn't have a set of beliefs besides money decides. Not to mention, integrity doesn't bring in the money we think it does. All of those feel good movies that we see are a great example. Those movies fail every time in the box office. They are never huge successes. Listen to any interview about them, they don't last. So why bother if people don't care.

Which leads me back to Phil. Phil is a reality TV star who works in the free market. He made comments, and now he has to pay for it.

What is ironic to me, how can we support an upper class, super wealthy, reality TV star, need I also add white man, cause a MASSIVE uproar about what he says, get thousands of people to dress in camo, create countless numbers of groups on facebook, spout endless amounts of hate towards people while on every single day domestic violence against women in america is on the climb; While sex trafficking of minors is running a lot deeper than we thought (higher than 5,000,000 minors [unicef]).

Where are their photos? Where are the support groups for the 9 and 10 year old girls being raped by some slob in Kolkata? Where are the hashtags in support of the mother who is trying to protect her children from some abusive man holding them at gunpoint? Where is their support? We waste our time and energy defending who? Where is the hashtag for the innocent black man on death row?

If you can honestly tell me to my face that some white, wealthy, christian, reality tv man needs me to support him, I pray you have a vomit bag ready. That is so lopsided. That is counter biblical. You are showing favoritism, you are showing defense for a public figure who literally can pay for lawyers to defend him.

Phil doesn't need my support. If you think for one minute that he is having his rights trampled by A & E you are dead wrong. A & E is going solely after money. Money talks in Free Market Capitalism. What Phil did sadly hurts their business, so they tried to reconcile that by suspending JUST Phil. Phil can freely speak to any forum. His speech will be heard. However, just like when I was a child, I could say whatever I wanted to my parents, however, there are consequences to what I said. I never feared saying things, I just began to say things that were wise or accurate. I believe logically, Phil is the in the same boat.

Please, I am begging you. The orphans and widows of our world need your defense. They need you posting pictures of their faces. They need the masses to have their back. They need you to drive Free Market Capitalism away from them, because being enslaved to make us happy is not healthy.

I refuse to hashtag my support for Phil Roberstson in this cause unless he is truly being oppressed. I will however support the cause of International Justice Mission, or Sisters of charity, or Tubmen, or Community Violence Intervention Centers....

Please, I am begging you, if you place your faith in Christ, defend the cause of orphans, widows and the oppressed with the same energy as you do Phil Robertson.

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