Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Casey's Future

A few months ago, I announced my partnership this year with The Dwelling Place Shelter. In that post, I told you of some other posts I plan on writing. This is one of those posts. I am going to post the letter I have sent out. 

Before you read this letter, know that this was not an unexpected next step, but this transition is what we both knew would be next in my life. The timing went back and forth, and the final date of September 1st was the most logical and best for both sides. 

This transition will be easy from a logistics standpoint, but hard from an emotional standpoint. I will miss my time with you all. I will miss the students, the relationships, the families, the leadership, the events, planning, teaching about Jesus, the lock-ins, the late night conversations, grabbing food, changing plans, big trips, but mainly will miss the day in and day out love of the community I have grown up in and who has grown me as a leader! The nice thing, I am transitioning out at Five Oaks, but I am not going far. I will still be a call/email/instagram away. 

I don't know what is next. There are a few opportunities that I am exploring, but opening myself up to all options. If you hear of an opportunity, I would love to connect.  I will be taking time these next few weeks to travel, interview, and take on a few more painting/remodeling jobs. 

Feel free to connect, ask questions, and pray with me! I am excited for these next steps for Five Oaks and the next steps in my life! 

And now, the letter:

Hello All,

To start, I just want to first say, Thank you all for being an encouragement to my life. Greatly appreciate that.

This is an update to let you all know, before it goes out to our church community, I plan to transition out of my role as Associate Director of Student Ministries, by September first. Please use your discretion when talking about this. This transition has God written all over it. I am beyond blessed to have a church that has supported me, grown with me, worked through my many flaws, constantly had grace with me, all while pointing me to Christ and growing me as a leader.

This transition is very healthy. The conversation about my transition and future was saturated with love, support, openness and trust in where Christ was leading both sides. I had been having several conversations with leadership at Five Oaks for a few months about a timeline to step away. No solid timeline was in place. This transition is not coming as a shock. I had brought to Tyler Sotebeer (Student Ministry Pastor) my desire to decrease my hours to 15 a week by the middle of October. Tyler and I met a few weeks later, he communicated his needs and expectations for going into the year.  After sometime, we both just felt great peace (mixed with sadness) that the Holy Spirit was leading us to this conclusion that I would step away in time to bring in someone who could step in at the start of the ministry year. This is the best step for both Five Oaks and myself.

So, it is with my faith in Christ, knowing that Christ has directed both Five Oaks, and myself, that I confirm that I will be stepping away. It will be an emotionally difficult transition, but my confidence and joy are in Christ. I don't know fully what is next. I don't have another position in place right away. I currently have a small but busy painting/remodeling/consulting business, and work for Delta Airlines. I am praying through this process, exploring options, and open to explore all opportunities. 

If you do not mind, would you pray with me in this journey. More importantly, pray for our students, the ministry, and our church! I wish I could tell all of you in person, and would love to take time to respond so feel free to reach out or ask questions. 

Cell:651-470-4967 (text/call)

I leave you all with these verses from Psalm 13:5-6:

5 But I have trusted in your steadfast love;
    my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
    because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Much Love and thank you all,
Casey Hayden

I promise I was responsible... but yes I need therapy