Thursday, February 19, 2015

This years partnership announcement, future posts, and odds/ends

I want to start this post with this verse, mainly because we should never do anything out of guilt, but out of love. Feeling guilty about what you were born into, or feeling down about the oppression/injustice doesn't change the facts. 

Romans 8:1-2
1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

We should not be ashamed of our position in life, Christ has freed us from that guilt. 

Now, Christ is also calling us to live in that freedom. We have a chance to bless and care for others. This brings me to my partnership. Last year, we raised close to $3000. ($2200 for International Justice Mission, $740 for Compassion International) I was blessed to see how you all gave.

This year, I am partnering with an organization called The Dwelling Place (you can also find them on FB). They are an organization who protects families and heal lives affected by domestic abuse by providing safe housing, Christ-centered programs, training in life skills and community education.It has been an honor volunteering with them.

They let me use some of my skills to paint, some construction, and do some minor maintenance. I am lucky and blessed they let me do so. (If you ever want to volunteer, let me know, we can get you plugged in, helping out, I will explain more later).

NOW, onto my the part of my partnership involving you all:

BY MARCH 4th, we want to fill my car. The middle schoolers will be having their spring party, and have been challenged; now I am challenging all of my friends to partner with the middle schoolers, leaders and I. If my car gets filled, we will start on another leaders car. If that gets filled, we will start on another car. We want to be a blessing to others.

Here is an exact list of materials needed:
-Paper Towels
-Toilet Paper
-Hand Soap
-Dish Soap
-Cleaning Supplies (Clorox wipes, shower cleaners, ETC)

Other Needed Items to add:
-Bus Cards
-Gas Cards
-Gift Cards to Cub/Target/Walmart/ETC
-Gift Cards to Home Depot/Menards

Not for my car but can donate:
-Furniture new or gently used

SO, we have less than two weeks for the first mission of filling my car. But I am confident, you all will take a step up with the middle schoolers and me!

3 ways we are collecting:
1) Drop them off at church and fill my office, just say it is for Casey Hayden.
2) Bring them off on wednesdays for the next 2 Rush Hour  meetings (Middle School Youth Group)
3) I will come and get them from you (contact information below, and probably come with a middle schooler)

I am confident we can do this! Repost this, share with folks, do whatever you need. Add this to your list when you shop next! I want you to be involved! Feel free to also write a note of encouragement

NOW FAQ time:
Can I donate even if I don't have anything to do with Middle School Ministry?
YES!!! For sure! Would love that, and want you involved!

What are some other needs?
Babysitters, mentors, finances, and other things. IF you want, contact me, and I will shoot you the form they have you fill out, list some of your skills and how you can help. 

Can I volunteer some time to help using my skills?
If you have some skills in woodwork, plumbing, construction, painting, appliance repair, all of that. Keep in mind the sensitivity of this organization, and be willing to work with them and their needs. It is a beautiful thing using your skills for Kingdom Work.

Contact Information:
Cell: 651-470-4967 (Call/Text)



I want to also share about some posts I plan to write this year (in no order):
1) 3 Things I want to tell parents of youth (a few observations from a youth leader)
2) What we spent this year talking about with Middle Schoolers
3) Casey's Future
4) My prayer for the future church
5) Missional Living: Ending our inner Impala
6) Partnership Update
7) God isn't done yet

How can I pray for you:
PLEASE send me any prayer requests you may have. Would love to spend time in prayer with and for you!