Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I have chosen not to write for a long time. Many reasons, one was learning to tame my tongue. I am often a sharp and harsh critic. Many close to me can attest to that.

I have chosen today to not write a piece on the current events in the modern evangelical world, which will soon be out of the news and away from the public spotlight. I instead am going to write one item. One item that is one my heart, especially recently. Here is the quick backstory (as vague as I possibly can put it for their sake):

I have a close friend who was talking with me about a decision they were about to make. This friend, had talked to me about this issue in great depth, many times before. The conversation was interesting, partially because we were talking about a variety of items before this issue we were exploring. The issue came up, was carefully crafted in a way to display the presenter in a positive light.

Now, many of us have been in this situation. Someone is talking to us, admits what they are experiencing or doing or thinking about, and we immediately present to them our stance.

In this case, that is exactly what happened. I presented to them my stance, but before I got to the great heights of my infinite knowledge, wisdom and clearly years of experience, I was stopped, or interrupted (no worries, not rudely). My friend kindly said, "I know your stance on my choices, but what is your view of me? How do you view me now?"

I couldn't tell you how fast it clicked inside of me. My "infinite" knowledge, wisdom and years of "experience" which gave me obvious authority to speak on any subject, was immediately thrown away (it is odd how quickly you can be humbled, even if I wasn't humble). I knew, right then, I had a choice.

I could share my stance on the topic, or I could share my stance on them. I realized, this friend did not need a lecture, a tweet or post, on where I essentially fall. My friend needed to know where I stood with them.

I wish it had clicked years early when a good friend at the time told me something about his life, and instead of being supportive and loving, I instantly told him, I don't agree with your choice, and that I hope they get over this soon because they are wrong. Instead of choosing to process through what it means, reminding him that God loves him far greater than I could, or even just being their for him, I lectured him. Sadly this was before the world of social media, so my only connection was phone or AIM. It did not click to me then, that he just wanted someone to just be present and a processor, or more importantly, just someone who loved him, because years later, he gave up contacting any of us, and has nearly no support.

I am reminded of Jesus with the prostitute in Luke 7. I was not acting like Jesus, keep that in mind (nor rarely have), but in this story, one piece I remember clearly. Jesus could have chewed out the prostitute for crying at His feet. Jesus could have given her a lecture on why what she was doing was wrong. Jesus could have written a decree that stated that all prostitutes aren't allowed to live as long as they are prostitutes. Instead, Jesus (who actually lectures the Pharisee) calmly reminder her that she is already forgiven.

I wish this was just one time Jesus did this. Not the case. Jesus did this countless times; lepers, beggers, hemorrhaging woman, blind man, woman at the well.

Or take the parable of the lost sheep. One sheep out of one hundred strays, the shepherd goes after that sheep. Finds the sheep, brings the sheep back. In this parable, the shepherd didn't lecture the sheep on why straying is wrong, the sheep knew how lonely it was out there and why straying was not wise. The shepherd cares more about the sheep than the stance on why the sheep left.

A powerful set of verses are in Romans 8, that contends that NOTHING can separate us from God's LOVE. NOTHING (Done, Doing, or Will Do).

I am challenging myself everyday to show my stance on people. To show them my love.

I am applying this today, with the current events. I am not concerned about the stance on World Vision or Phil Robertson or Barack Obama or Climate Change. I am concerned about the person. I am concerned about the children in World Vision who are no longer sponsored because of a stance, children are the ones who lose. I am concerned about the people who aren't sponsoring them anymore because of their stance. I will attest to the fact that I do not care about the stance on the issue. I care about the fact that our world is in dire need of love, hope, justice and not a lecture from me. This starts by changing our philosophy to start with our stance on humans. We see this by caring about them; feeding them, clothing them, visiting them, educating them, fighting their oppressors, providing them with clean water, housing them.

So the question I ask myself is "What is my stance on people?" because I guarantee they know my stance on issues.

DON'T end up like me, declaring my stance on issues all the while ignoring people in those situations. Don't rob them of love, like I have on so many occasions. Healing those relationships are very difficult. I can only pray that to have that trust with them.

AS a side note, if you are no longer sponsoring World Vision, please let me know, especially if you are sponsoring a child. I will take over your sponsorship, or find someone who will. No ill will.